Use the opportunities of social media

by admin on September 25, 2012

Social media isn’t just a fashionable extra for your company or business. It’s essential.

Some 8 in 10 British internet users are active on social media, a study by InSites Consulting, published today, 25 September 2012, reveals.

The study shows 50% of consumers post information about products, brands and companies on social networks.

And some 55% of social network users are following at least one brand. On average, they’re following eight to 12 brands passively, and three to six brands actively.

These consumers expect brands to provide information on their products, launch exciting promotional campaigns, bring them news, and even involve them in improving products.

The authors of the study observe that many companies are missing out on huge opportunities. ‘Social networks provide the perfect platform to involve consumers in the development of corporate strategy,’ commented Professor Steven Van Belleghem.

If you want to make more of the power of social networks to improve your business, get in touch.

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